Ready to Make it Official?

You’ve heard us say it every Sunday, and we mean it – whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome at St. Paul’s, Ivy, just as you are. Membership is not required for participation in the worship, life, or ministries of the parish, but we hope you’ll love being a part of our welcoming, joyful, and intergenerational parish family and decide to make it official through membership. However, we know that everyone’s faith journey is different. We’re simply honored and delighted to be able to walk with you on this part of your journey, wherever that may lead.

What is membership at St. Paul’s, Ivy?

In the Episcopal church, membership usually refers to people involved in the life of a parish who have made a commitment to love and serve God and neighbor through worship, fellowship, Christian formation, and ministries in a particular parish community. At St. Paul’s, Ivy,  our members are:

Baptized Christians
Confirmed or Received into The Episcopal Church (if from another denomination)
Faithful in worship attendance (not every Sunday, but most!)
Folks who pledge a proportion of their income to the work of God through the ministries of our parish
Active in at least one ministry of the church
Invite friends to church for worship or other events

How can I become a member of St. Paul’s, Ivy?

The path to membership at St. Paul’s, Ivy, usually looks like this:

  1. Meet with one of the clergy to learn more about St. Paul’s, Ivy and ask any questions you may have.
  2. Complete a Living Your Faith session. These 5 week small groups are the best place to get to know our clergy and others who have recently discovered St. Paul’s, Ivy, while diving into all those questions about scripture, faith, and the Episcopal tradition you’ve always wanted to ask but never had the chance!
  3. Get baptized (if you’re not already), confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church by a bishop (if you’re not already Episcopalian), or have your letter of membership transferred to St. Paul’s, Ivy, by calling the church office at 434-979-6354.
  4. Meet with Mother Amanda to discuss your spiritual gifts and ministry opportunities at St. Paul’s, Ivy, that may be a good match for you and your gifts.
  5. Complete and submit the Membership Form found below.

What if I’m not ready yet?

That’s okay! We’re just glad you’re part of our parish community. Seekers, doubters, and question-askers are always welcome among us. We believe that there is no better way to explore the Christian Church or the Episcopal tradition than to just keep showing up, questions, doubts, wonderings, and all!

What if I have questions about membership?

Don’t hesitate to reach out! Our clergy would love to spend time with you and answer any questions you may have. Finding the right church home is a matter of spiritual discernment, and our clergy are happy to help you discover what might be best for you. You can email Fr. Justin or Mthr. Amanda to schedule a time to chat.

Send us your Membership Form!

Ready to being the process of becoming a member of St. Paul’s, Ivy Episcopal Church? Just fill out this form and hit Submit!