Sunday Morning Fellowship
Our fellowship times following Sunday services offer connection, conversation, and community. These lively weekly events are wonderful ways for our parish to welcome those who are new and visiting, and keep in touch with those who are already part of our community. Hosts sign up for the Sundays they can serve, and prepare coffee (provided by the church) and provide refreshments. Continental Breakfast begins our Kairos time, following the 8:15 a.m. service during the program year. Following the 10:30 a.m. service we offer Coffee & Fellowship year-round. Hosting is fun, and members of our Hospitality Committee are happy to serve alongside new hosts. You can sign up through these links to host Continental Breakfast or Coffee and Fellowship soon!

During the summer months, following the 10:30 a.m. worship service, Coffee & Fellowship moves outside in front of the church and becomes Cookies & Lemonade! Simpler offerings make it a breeze to host. You provide the cookies (storebought is fine!), church provides the lemonade, and everyone enjoys some time together after church. Instructions are provided and experienced co-hosts are available to lend a hand! Click here to sign up to host Cookies & Lemonade!


The Red Door Guild
St. Paul’s, Ivy is well-known for our warm and welcoming community. The Red Door Guild serves as the first friendly faces our visitors, guests, and members see on Sunday mornings. If you enjoy meeting new (and new-to-you) people on Sundays, and would like to help introduce visitors to our parish, you would enjoy serving as a member of the Red Door Guild! Contact Mtr. Amanda Kotval for more information.

If you are a member of the Red Door Guild, please use this link to sign up for a Sunday time slot.


Invite, Welcome, Connect
The IWC ministry at St. Paul’s, Ivy coordinates parish-wide evangelism, welcome, and hospitality offerings, while also supporting parishioners in discernment of their spiritual gifts and ways to use them in the life of the church. This group meets with the Associate Rector to brainstorm and facilitate the implementation of new programs that support evangelism in our community, welcome for newcomers, and connection with each other and the parish. Contact Mtr. Amanda Kotval for more information.


Help us get to know you better! Please fill out and turn in your Celebrating Our Ministries survey form (available online), to let us know which ministries you’re interested in.