Altar Guild
The St. Paul’s, Ivy Altar Guild is responsible for preparing and caring for all things necessary to celebrate Holy Eucharist and other services in order and beauty. The Altar Guild is responsible for maintaining our beautiful linens, silver items, candles, and other supplies for worship. Men and women, adults and teens are all welcome to join. The only requirements are a desire to serve and a willingness to learn.

Chalicists serve by offering the chalice of consecrated wine to members of the congregation at the altar rail during Holy Communion. Chalicists robe in a white cassock-alb (provided), process in with the rest of the Altar Party, and are seated in the chancel with the clergy. Chalice bearers must be confirmed Episcopalians in good standing, at least 16 years old, and complete a simple training session in order to be licensed by the diocese before serving.

Open to 6th-12th graders, the St. Paul’s Acolyte Ministry gives young people active leadership roles in our Sunday morning worship services. Acolytes lead processions into and out of the service, help prepare for Holy Eucharist, and assist the clergy and verger in many ways. Training is ongoing throughout the year, and Acolytes simply sign up for the Sundays they are available to serve.

At St. Paul’s Ivy, lectors are responsible for reading the selections from Holy Scripture during our worship services. Both youth and adults are invited to join our slate of lectors, and training is available by request.

Ushers provide welcome, guidance, and special assistance as needed to those who attend Sunday and other services at St. Paul’s, Ivy. Ushers greet attendees at the door with a bulletin, assist with seating and other needs during the service, tabulate the total number of attendees, collect the offering, and release attendees for communion. Ushers also serve by straightening up the sanctuary following each service. Individuals, couples, and families are all encouraged to join this rewarding ministry guild.

The Verger team at St. Paul’s was established in 2018 and plays a crucial role in the organization of our Holy Eucharist and other services. Vergers lead processions in and out of the chancel, assist the Altar Guild and clergy with Sunday morning setup, and provide leadership for Acolytes and Chalicists.


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