Giving with Gladness
Please indicate your financial pledge amount for 2025 and provide current contact information for your household below. Once you’ve completed the form, be sure to click the “Submit” button at the bottom.
Thank you for helping us build St. Paul’s, Ivy into a Church Home for All Generations!
How much should I pledge?
We understand that every family’s household budget is different. This calculator may help you decide on the pledge amount that is right for you.
The easiest way to fulfill your pledge payments is online! You can schedule your pledge payments on our Be A Cheerful Giver webpage. Use the form there to let us know how much you would like to contribute at what interval (choose from One time, Weekly, Every Two Weeks, Monthly, or Yearly). You can also choose to make your payment on your Credit or Debit Card, or as a transfer directly from your bank account.
You can also set up pledge payments through your bank’s online bill pay feature. Schedule your monthly pledge payment through your bank, the electronic equivalent of writing a check. To set up the church as a Payee in your bill pay system, please use our mailing address and office phone number:
St. Paul’s, Ivy
P.O. Box 37
Ivy, VA 22945
phone: (434) 979-6354
You may also be asked for our banking account numbers. If this is the case, please call the church office at 434-979-6354 for assistance.