What is Kairos?
Kairos is the Greek word for sacred time and special encounters with God when we are presented with opportunities to grow in our love of God and neighbor. At St. Paul’s, Ivy, we invite you to join us for Kairos on Sunday mornings between 9:15 and 10:15 a.m. During Kairos, people of all ages come together to encounter God through learning, serving, and community.
Click here to see this Sunday's Kairos offerings:
Sunday, March 30, 2025
• Continental Breakfast, Parish Hall
• Children’s Formation, Lower Level
• Confirmation Class, Neve Hall
• Middle School and High School Formation joins the Rector’s Forum, Parish Hall or assists with Children’s Formation
• The Rector’s Forum, Parish Hall: Let’s Talk About Empowering the Incarcerated to Re-enter Society; “Teaching Inmates Financial Literacy And Business Skills – Resilience Education’s And The Darden School’s Re-entry Program,” with Drs. Gregory and Tierney Fairchild, Professor at the Darden School of Business and Executive Director and Co-Founder of Resilience Education
• Those preparing for worship: Parish Choir meets in the Choir Loft for practice; Altar Guild, Vergers, Ushers, Red Door Greeters report to the Sanctuary
Kairos Learning
Grow in your knowledge and love of God through our Kairos learning opportunities for all ages:
Kairos Serving
There are many ways to serve during Kairos. Our worship guilds gather during Kairos to prepare the church for the next worship service, and our Continental Breakfast hosts put together a welcoming spread of food and coffee for our fellowship time. Find out more about serving with these groups here:
Kairos Community
Community and fellowship are the heart of Kairos experiences at St. Paul’s, Ivy. Join the whole parish family in the Parish Hall each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. for Continental Breakfast for all ages, where you can catch up with old friends, make new ones, and welcome others into the St. Paul’s, Ivy family. At 9:30 a.m., all will head to their destinations for the remainder of the hour, be it formation groups, choir practice in the loft, or preparing to serve in the 10:30 a.m. worship service.